High Temperature Materials Group
川岸 京子 KAWAGISHI Kyoko
構造材料研究センター 材料創製分野
超耐熱材料グループ グループリーダー
ウー ラダー WU Rudder
構造材料研究センター 材料創製分野
超耐熱材料グループ 主任研究員
池田 亜矢子 IKEDA Ayako
構造材料研究センター 材料創製分野
超耐熱材料グループ 研究員
1. Ni基超合金および新プロセスによる超耐熱材料の開発
航空機のジェットエンジンや発電用ガスタービンにおける高出力・高効率化を目的として、高温での強度や耐酸化性に優れたNi基超合金を開発してきました。鍛造 (Wrought) による材料開発から精密鋳造 (CC) 、一方向凝固 (DS) を経て単結晶 (SC) による製造により、耐用温度が大幅に向上してきました (図1) 。Ni基単結晶合金の開発には、γ'相析出量とγ相/γ'相の格子定数ミスフィット等を制御することで析出硬化と界面転移網微細化による強化を図り、世界最高の耐用温度1117℃の合金開発に成功しています。今後は、更なる耐用温度の向上と実用化を目指します。
詳細は、材料のチカラ コラム「超合金 (www.nims.go.jp/chikara/column/superalloy.html) 」をご覧ください。
基材と熱力学的に平衡し、基材とコーティング界面に有害層を形成しない新しいコーティング・システムを開発しています (図3) 。

図3. 熱力学的平衡コーティング (EQコーティング) の開発
3. 合金設計および組織解析
組織解析や数値シミュレーションを基に材料設計を行い、開発合金の創製、評価を一貫して行います (図4) 。

図4. 合金設計および組織解析
With the aim of reducing CO2 emission by improving the thermal efficiency of next generation jet-engines, ultra-high efficient combined cycle power generation, and cogeneration systems, our group is developing various ultra-high temperature heat resistant materials, including high performance Ni-base superalloys. The scope of our activities encompasses interfacial engineering at grain-boundaries and between the solid solution matrix (γ phase) and the coherent precipitates (γ’ phase), mechanical evaluation including creep strength study, coating development and most importantly, the design based approach to the development of low cost high performance alloys. In addition, recycling methods of our developed alloys have also been proposed to make the practical use of our materials feasible.
Specialized Research Field
1. Development of Ni-base Superalloys and new high temperature alloys
With the purpose of enhancing energy output and efficiency of jet-engines and power generation gas turbines, high temperature creep and oxidation resistant Ni-base superalloys have been developed. Over the decades, temperature capabilities have greatly enhanced (Fig. 1) as casting technologies transformed from wrought, to conventionally cast, directionally solidified and to the current single crystal form. In the development of single crystal Ni-base superalloys, with γ' volume fraction and lattice misfit of γ'/γ being tailored to enhance precipitation strengthening and refinement of interfacial dislocation network spacing, we have successfully developed a new alloy with World highest temperature capability of 1117°C and are working to achieve higher temperature capability. Concurrently, we are also working on achieving lightweight high strength directionally solidified TiAl blades with tailored lamellar structure by interfacial engineering of matrix and precipitated phases, and improved manufacturing processes (Fig. 2).
Fig. 1
The historical improvement in creep rupture temperature capability of Ni-base superalloys under 1100℃ - 137MPa.
Fig. 2
Development of the process and high performance TiAl alloys
2. Development of the thermodynamic equilibrium coating (EQ coating)
A new coating system which does not form the harm layer in substrate and the coating interface has been developed basing on our new concept of using a material in thermodynamic equilibrium with the substrate (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
Coating in equilibrium with substrate = EQ Coating
3. Alloy design, Simulation and Microstructure analysis
Alloy design, simulation and microstructure analysis are performed using empirical formulae based on database (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4
Alloy Design, Simulation and Microstructure Analysis