Welding and Joining Technology Group
柳樂 知也 NAGIRA Tomoya
構造材料研究センター 材料評価分野
溶接・接合技術グループ グループリーダー
北野 萌一 KITANO Houichi
構造材料研究センター 材料評価分野
溶接・接合技術グループ 主幹研究員
溶接,鉄鋼材料,機械学習,溶接Digital Transformation
2024年10月 公募情報
柳樂 知也(なぎらともや)
NAGIRA.Tomoya=nims.go.jp([ = ] を [ @ ] にしてください)
1. 放射光X線を利用したアーク溶接過程のその場観察

2. 非溶融接合技術(摩擦攪拌接合)の開発
固相接合技術の一つとして摩擦攪拌接合(FSW : Friction Stir Welding)が注目されています。FSWは高温での強加工プロセスのため、動的回復、動的再結晶、粗大化などの複雑な組織変化を経て接合部の組織が形成されます。摩擦攪拌中の材料流動を正確に特定する新規手法により、積層欠陥エネルギーや再結晶温度の異なる金属材料 (Al、Cu、黄銅、Agなど) について微細組織や集合組織の発達過程を統一的に理解することで接合機構や微細組織形成機構の解明を行っています。

3. 溶接材料開発
4. 機械学習を活用した溶接現象の理解と解析
5. 溶接技術を応用した金属3D造形技術の高度化
アーク溶接技術は金属溶融・凝固技術であり、自由な三次元構造を製作する金属3D造形技術(Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing: WAAM)へ応用されています。アーク溶接技術に関する従来知見を活用して、WAAM技術の高度化を目指しています。これまでにアーク溶接部の変形低減のために開発された組成制御鉄鋼材料をWAAM素材として用いることで、造形部の変形量を低減できることを実証しました。さらに、WAAM技術を用いて高強度鉄鋼材料と高延性鉄鋼材料をミリスケールで複合化することで、高強度と高延性を兼備する複合鉄鋼材料の創製に関する研究を進めています。
Welding and joining technologies are essential for development of social infrastructure. However, a reliable data for predicting and evaluating the deterioration of weldments is insufficient so far. In this project, we aim to develop a new technology for predicting the performance of weldments based on observation of welding behaviors, defect formation mechanism during welding, and database for weldment properties using in situ observation, advanced evaluation technique, and data science.
Specialized Research Field
1. In situ observation of solidification behaviors during arc welding using synchrotron X-ray
Synchrotron X-ray at SPring-8 makes it possible to directly observe the solidification behaviors of metallic alloys at a microstructural scale due to monochromatic light, high coherency and high brightness. This project focuses on the development of the technique for directly observing welding behaviors using synchrotron X-ray imaging and diffraction for various metallic alloys such as Al alloy, carbon steel and stainless steel. We also aim to elucidate the formation mechanism of solidification cracking in terms of microstructural evolution, strain/strain rate and brittle temperature range (BTR).
Schematic of experimental set-up for in situ observation during arc welding
X-ray radiographs of solidification cracking at weld crater
2. Development of solid-state joining (Friction stir welding) technique
Friction stir welding (FSW) is a promising joining technique due to the potential benefits such as avoidance of crack formation and high distortion. The microstructure is generally evolved through complex processes including plastic deformation, dynamic recrystallization and grain growth because of mechanical and thermal effects. In this project, we aim to elucidate the microstructural evolution mechanism during FSW for various metals with different stacking fault energies (SFE) such as Al, Cu, brass and Ag by examining the effects of SFE, recrystallization temperature and welding conditions on the microstructure.

Grain structure development during friction stir welding
3. Development of welding process and welding materials
We develop the welding process and welding materials. In recent years, Mn steel with enhanced low-cycle fatigue resistance has been developed at NIMS. In order to weld Mn steel, new welding materials and the welding process were developed. These welding materials and welding process allowed the production of the seismic damper of the welding structure. New welding process and welding consumable were applied to various buildings.
4. Application of Machine Learning for Understanding and Analysis of Welding Phenomena
Arc welding is a complex phenomenon in which four states (solid-liquid-gas-plasma) affect each other at multi-scales. Therefore, the relationship between the arc welding conditions and the characteristics of the arc weld (melting condition, joint strength, fatigue characteristics, etc.) is also complex and difficult to analyze. We are investigating the quantitative and systematic understanding of the relationship between arc welding conditions and weld characteristics, including the development of a unique machine learning technique to model the relationship in an easy-to-understand way like an experiment formula.
Input-output relation equations obtained by neural networks and the LSRF5 method (Developed method)
Penetration shape prediction of weld part by LSRF5 method
5. Advancement of Metal 3D Printing Technique based on Arc Welding
Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) is a metal 3D printing technique that uses arc welding as a metal melting and solidification technique. We aim to use our knowledge of arc welding to advance WAAM. It was demonstrated that the amount of deformation of parts made by WAAM could be reduced by using the composition-controlled steel material. The material was developed to reduce the amount of deformation of arc weld joints. In addition, we are conducting research on the creation of composite steel materials with high strength and high ductility that combine high strength and high ductility steels in millimeter-scale.
Overview of WAAM technique
Effect on deformation reduction of WAAM part by use of composition controlled steel