Mechanical Properties Group
大村 孝仁 OHMURA Takahito
構造材料研究センター センター長
譯田 真人 WAKEDA Masato
構造材料研究センター 材料評価分野
強度物性グループ 主幹研究員
エドワーズ トーマス
構造材料研究センター 材料評価分野
強度物性グループ 主任研究員
塑性変形,電子顕微鏡その場変形,材料欠陥 / 転位,3D-Materials Science,疲労と破壊,金属材料,セラミック
1. ナノスケール局所力学挙動解析・TEM内その場変形解析
2. 原子スケールモデリングによる強度発現機構の理論的解明
第一原理計算や分子動力学計算などの原子スケール計算手法は、構造材料の力学特性に対する格子欠陥 (転位、粒界、析出物、固溶元素など) の影響解明において有効なアプローチです。
The effect of microstructure on mechanical properties is closely related to deformation behavior on the same scale as the structure size. In our group, by nanoscale local mechanical behavior analysis and atomic scale modeling, we clarify the effects of lattice defects such as dislocations, solute elements, grain boundaries, and second phases on mechanical behavior. We aim to elucidate the elementary processes in which macromechanical properties appear, and to present new guiding principles for strength design.
Specialized Research Field
1. Nanoscale mechanical characterization & In-situ deformation analysis in a TEM
The nanoindentation method, which can directly evaluate the mechanical behavior at the nano-submicron scale, enables precise analysis of the microstructure-mechanical response.
In addition, TEM or SEM in-situ deformation analysis enables a more detailed understanding of the relationship between mechanical behavior and deformation structure on a microscopic scale.
Through these experimental analyses, it is possible to select a specific structure and quantitatively evaluate the mechanical response, and to elucidate the relationship between the formation process of the deformed structure and the mechanical response.
2. Theoretical approach of strengthening mechanism based on atomic-scale simulations
Atomic-scale simulation techniques such as first-principles and molecular dynamics calculations are powerful approaches for unveiling the effects of lattice defects (such as dislocations, grain boundaries, precipitates, and solute atoms) on the mechanical properties of structural materials.
We are investigating the interaction between lattice defects, microscopic deformation dynamics, and the effects of microstructure on the macroscopic strength of structural materials using atomic-scale calculation methods. We are also constructing more effective analysis methods to uncover the microscopic origins of mechanical properties.