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Fatigue Property Group
Yoshiyuki Furuya
Group Leader, Fatigue Property Group, Materials Evaluation Field, Research Center for Structural Materials
Keyword : fatigue, metallic materials, gigacycle, ultrasonic fatigue testing, standardization
Hideaki Nishikawa
Principal Researcher, Fatigue Property Group, Materials Evaluation Field, Research Center for Structural Materials
Keyword : metal fatigue, crack propagation, in-situ observation, high-throughput, additive manufacturing, 3D analysis
About us
Research projects on fatigue are being conducted by using:
・ Fatigue testing technologies in low-, high- and giga-cycle regions.
・ Measurements of fatigue crack growth rates (not only for large cracks but also for small cracks).
Examples of Research Projects
・Evaluation of gigacycle fatigue properties on metallic materials by using ultrasonic fatigue testing.
・Predictions for gigacycle fatigue strength of high-strength steel.
・Development of in-situ small fatigue crack observation system and elucidation of small crack growth mechanisms.
Fatigue testing machines
Low- and High-cycles fatigue testing machine
Ultrasonic fatigue testing machine (gigacycle)
Measurements of fatigue crack growth rates

In-situ small fatigue crack observation system