
第156回構材ゼミ Dr. Avanish Kumar Srivastava(CSIR, India)2024.07.04 開催報告

2024年7月4日、NIMSにて、Dr. Avanish Kumar Srivastavaによるご講演が第155回構材ゼミとして開催されました。

Dr. Avanish Kumar Srivastava
(Director, Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Bhopal 462 026, INDIA.)

会場:先進構造材料研究棟 5階カンファレンスルーム


Dr. Avanish Kumar Srivastava(後列 右から5人目)



New and innovative materials for a range of uses

Advanced materials and their processing play a pivotal role in the sustainable advancement of technology and the transformation from a linear 'take-make-dispose' economic model to a circular one. In this presentation, I will elucidate our recent achievements in various domains, such as waste-to-worth technologies, cutting-edge engineering materials, composites, and 2D materials, along with our triumphant collaborations with industries and society. I will discuss a breakthrough technology we have developed for converting aluminum bauxite waste, known as red mud, into X-ray radiation shielding tiles. Furthermore, the laboratory has pioneered a technique for creating hybrid particle/fiber boards from agricultural waste, specifically paddy straw/stubble, within a polymeric system. This innovation aims to utilize crop residue and mitigate the practice of burning it. Further, I will explore the progressive applications of bamboo in the construction industry and also share our success story in developing cutting-edge high-end Indigenous Raman spectrometers, which have been effectively commercialized. The presentation will also encompass the latest advancements in futuristic technologies, encompassing graphene, 2D materials, piezoelectric nanogenerators, radiation shielding doors, biosensors, 3D printed devices, and flexible electronics.


Avanish Kumar Srivastava, the Director of CSIR – Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute, Bhopal, and Outstanding Professor of AcSIR, received a Ph.D. from IISc Bangalore and an M.Tech. and M.Sc., respectively, from the IITs in Kanpur and Roorkee. He has edited six books, held 30 patents, published over 410 peer-reviewed research articles in international SCI journals, and transferred around 15 technologies/know-how to different industries. He has contributed significantly to various projects in the area of advanced materials about (i) Rapidly solidified metallic systems, (ii) Nanostructures, (iii) Composites, (iv) Solar energy, (v) Thermoelectrics, (vi) Magnetic, (vii) Waste to wealth, and (viii) Safety, Health & Environment. His top ten publications have an average impact factor (IF) of 20.2. Some of his high-IF publications can be seen in Nature Communications (IF:16.6), Chemical Society Reviews (IF:46.2), Nano-Micro Letters (IF:26.6), Nano Energy (IF:17.2), Acta Materialia (IF:9.4), Small (IF:15.9), Chemical Engineering Journal (IF:15.1), and Nano Letters (IF: 11.24, also highlighted in Science). He had a key role in producing the nation's first premium class-2 Make-in-India, Raman Spectrometer for the international market under PPP. Notable outcomes of his S&Tproduct-based initiatives include (i) bamboo composites for dwelling constructions instead of teak wood, (ii) red mud tiles for the health sector that shield x-rays without lead, and (iii) agro-waste for fiberboards: a solution to Parali (crop residue) burning. He is the ExPresident of the Electron Microscope Society of India. He received awards like the BOYSCAST Fellow – DST - GoI, MRSI Medal, NMD-Metallurgists of the Year, GoI, NRDC societal innovation, and CII Waste to Worth. He is a Fellow of the INAE (FNAE), IIM (FIIM), and EMSI (FEMSI). He is a renowned materials scientist, nanotechnologist, and metallurgist.

