Kota Sawada, Yasushi Taniuchi, Kaoru Sekido, Takehiro Nojima, Tomotaka Hatakeyama, Kazuhiro Kimura
Creep data sheet for Nickel-based 19Cr-18Fe-3Mo-5Nb-Ti-Al superalloy
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods 4 [1] 2425179. 2024
Aaditya Manjanath, Ryoji Sahara, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Kaoru Ohno
Non-Adiabatic Excited-State Time-Dependent GW (TDGW) Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nickel-Atom Aided Photolysis of Methane to Produce a Hydrogen Molecule
Nanomaterials. 14 (2024) 1775
Arkapol Saengdeejing, Ryoji Sahara, Yoshiaki Toda
First-principles thermodynamic modeling for the Al-Nb-Ni ternary system
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods. 4 [1] (2024) 2412968
Houichi Kitano, Tomoya Nagira, Fumiyoshi Yoshinaka, Takahiro Sawaguchi, Takayuki Yamashita, Yasuhiro Aoki, Hidetoshi Fujii
Development of a method to evaluate strain in weld solidification using in-situ observations with high-brightness synchrotron X-rays
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods. 4 [1] (2024) 2403964
Yoshiyuki Furuya, Hideaki Nishikawa, Hisashi Hirukawa
NIMS fatigue data sheet on low- and high-cycle fatigue properties of boron steel
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods. 4 [1] (2024) 2385885
Yoshiyuki Furuya, Hideaki Nishikawa, Hisashi Hirukawa
NIMS fatigue data sheet on gigacycle fatigue properties of A2017 (Al-4.0Cu-0.6Mg) aluminium alloy
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods. 4 [1] (2024) 2365126
Alireza Valizadeh, Ryoji Sahara, Maaouia Souissi
Alloys innovation through machine learning: a statistical literature review
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods. 4 [1] (2024) 2326305
Kuroda T., Masuyama H., Toda Y., Matsunaga T., Ito T., Watanabe M., Ozasa R., Ishimoto T., Nakano T., Shimojo M., Yamabe–Mitarai Y.
Microstructure Evolution and High–Temperature Mechanical Properties of Ti–6Al–4Nb–4Zr Fabricated by Selective Laser MeltingNippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals.88[12](2024)348-356
Bulgarevich D.S., Watanabe M.
Stress–strain curve predictions by crystal plasticity simulations and machine learning
Scientific Reports.14[1](2024)29492
Manaka T., Tsutsumi Y., Takada Y., Chen P., Ashida M., Doi K., Katayama H., Hanawa T.
Galvanic Corrosion among Ti–6Al–4V ELI Alloy, Co–Cr–Mo Alloy, 316L–Type Stainless Steel, and Zr–1Mo Alloy for Orthopedic Implants
Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals.88[12](2024)307-313
Muto Y., Kammuri K., Miyake J., Ode M., Kurashiki T., Mori H.
Numerical Analysis to Evaluate the Effect of Cooling Rates on Microstructures in Casted Cu-Ni-Si Alloys by Phase-Field Simulation
Materials Transactions.65[12](2024)1464-1472
Chiba Y., Otsuka H., Amano S., Inutsuka J., Iwasaki Y., Inoue Y., Motomura S., Kushibe A., Sawaguchi T., Nakamura T.
Development of Manufacturing Technology for Fe-Mn-Si Alloys with Excellent Low-Cycle Fatigue Properties and Application to Seismic Dampers for Buildings
Materials Transactions.65[12](2024)1583-1587
Hagiwara M., Kitashima T.
High Cycle Fatigue and Very High Cycle Fatigue of Orthorhombic (O + α2)–Type Ti–27.5Nb–13Al Alloy with and without B and Fatigue Striation Analysis in Comparison with (α + β)–Type Titanium Alloys
Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals.88[12](2024)357-366
Yurishima R., Takagiwa Y., Ikeda A., Ikeda T.
Microstructure Optimization of Thermoelectric τ1-Al2Fe3Si3 via Graded Temperature Heat Treatments
Yamabe J., Hashiguchi K., Wada K.
Effects of Hydrogen on Fatigue Life Properties of Cold-Rolled Metastable Austenitic Stainless Steels With Artificial Defects
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP.4(2024)V004T06A006
Saito T., Harada H., Yokokawa T., Osawa M., Kawagishi K., Suzuki S.
Raft Structure of Nickel Base Single-Crystal Superalloys
Materials Transactions.65[12](2024)1443-1457
Manaka T., Tsutsumi Y., Ashida M., Chen P., Hanawa T.
Corrosion behavior of Zr-14Nb-5Ta-1Mo alloy in simulated body fluid
Dental Materials Journal.43[6](2024)755-761
Katagiri J., Nomoto S., Kusano M., Watanabe M.
Effect of mushy zone constant in Voller-Prakash model on keyholing behaviour in laser powder bed fusion simulation
Results in Engineering.24(2024)103567
Hashimoto M., Yamaguchi N., Hashimoto S., Murata H., Kitaoka S., Yokoe D., Ito T., Kato T., Kanetaka H., Kakisawa H.
Development of segmented titanium oxynitride layer with spinform surfaces exhibiting antibacterial properties
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan.132[12](2024)681-689
Ohno K., Sahara R., Nanri T., Kawazoe Y.
Optical properties of rutile TiO2 with Zr, Mo, Zn, Cd impurities
Computational Condensed Matter.41(2024)e00977
Koyama M., Shimizu K., Ri S., Koga N., Nishikawa H., Morikawa T., Fudouzi H.
Microscopic Strain Mapping: Functional Diversity and Their Demands
Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals.88[11](2024)253-269
Naito K., Nagai C., Kawasaki S.
Tensile Properties and Weibull Modulus of Polymeric-Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy-Impregnated Bundle Composites
Journal of Composites Science.8[10](2024)390
Yokokawa T., Osada T., Tabata C., Kohata T., Takata Y., Yuyama M., Kawagishi K.
Effect of Solution Heat Treatment on Dendritic Segregation and Creep Strength of Ni-Base Single Crystal Superalloy TMS-238
Materials Transactions.65[11](2024)1420-1430
Yoshida S., Yamashita G., Ikeuchi T., Bai Y., Shibata A., Tsuji N.
Grain size dependent deformation microstructure evolution and work-hardening in CoCrNi medium entropy alloy
Journal of Alloys and Metallurgical Systems.8(2024)100123
Katayama H., Yoshida Y., Akashi T., Kadowaki M., Murase Y., Tsutsumi Y.
Corrosion Risk Prediction of Carbon Steels by Hyperspectral Analysis
Tetsu-To-Hagane/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan.110[15](2024)1187-1194
Katayama H.
Preface to the Special Issue “Diagnostic, Evaluation and Data Utilization Technologies for Corrosion Deterioration of Infrastructures”
Tetsu-To-Hagane/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan.110[15](2024
Lyu Z., Liu Y., Sciazko A., Komatsu Y., Tao J., Nakamura A., Hara T., Sun K., Shikazono N., Han M.
Co-Generation of Electricity and Chemicals From Methane Using Direct Internal Reforming Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Advanced Energy Materials.(2024)
Yoshizumi H., Yuasa M., Miyamoto H., Somekawa H.
Influence of different wrought processes on the microstructure and texture evolution in AZ31 magnesium alloy
Materials Characterization.217(2024)114446
Deffrennes G., Hallstedt B., Abe T., Bizot Q., Fischer E., Joubert J.-M., Terayama K., Tamura R.
Data-driven study of the enthalpy of mixing in the liquid phase
Calphad: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry.87(2024)102745
Park M.-H., Matsubayashi R., Shibata A., Tsuji N.
Quantitative characterization of local deformation-fracture behavior in ferrite-martensite dual-phase steels with different martensite distributions
Materials Science and Engineering: A.918(2024)147445
Yamada M., Nakazawa R., Itoh A., Yasui S., Kobayashi Y., Abe T.
Oxygen Solubility in Molten Sm–La–O Alloys and Equilibrated Oxide Phases
Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals.88[10](2024)245-251
Verona I.C.M., Bardolaza H.R., Juguilon V.P.P., Bulgarevich D.S., Watanabe M., Tani M., Estacio E.S.
Investigation of Spin-Current Lifetime in Fe/Pt Spintronic Terahertz Emitter using Double Optical Pump Technique
International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz.(2024)
Lee J.-L., Yeh A.-C., Murakami H.
Oxidation Properties of Additively Manufactured High Entropy Alloys: A Short Review
High Temperature Corrosion of Materials.(2024)
Park M.-H., Fujimura Y., Shibata A., Tsuji N.
Effect of martensite hardness on mechanical properties and stress/strain-partitioning behavior in ferrite + martensite dual-phase steels
Materials Science and Engineering: A.916(2024)147301
Lavakumar A., Hwang S., Okada K., Park M.-H., Chokshi A.H., Tsuji N.
Real-time Observation of Stress-strain Behavior beyond Necking in Martensitic Steel by in-situ Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction
ISIJ International.64[12](2024)1847-1852
Nagira T., Nakamura T., Yoshinaka F., Sawaguchi T., Inoue Y.
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Gas Metal Arc-welded Fe-Mn-Si Seismic Damping Alloy
ISIJ International.64[11](2024)1705-1715
Lin W.-C., Lien Y.-W., Moreau L.E., Murakami H., Lo K.-C., Gorsse S., Yeh A.-C.
High-Temperature Oxidation of NbTi-Bearing Refractory Medium- and High-Entropy Alloys
Inoue T., Hai Q., Nakazato K.
Reliability of the Young's modulus of crab exoskeleton materials estimated from nanoindentation tests
Journal of Materials Research and Technology.33(2024)2210-2215
Negami M., Morihashi R., Yoshino T., Sahara R., Yamabe-Mitarai Y.
Effect of reactive elements in MCrAlX bond coat for durability improvement of thermal barrier coatings
Corrosion Science.237(2024)112329
Naito K., Nagai C.
Raman Scattering for Tensile Testing of Polyacrylonitrile-Based and Pitch-Based Single Carbon Fibers
Hayama C., Kadowaki M., Murase Y., Katayama H., Hara T., Hara Y., Watanabe H., Shitanda I., Itagaki M.
Effect of P Addition on the Corrosion Resistance of Steels before and after Rust Formation
ISIJ International.64[12](2024)1820-1828
Mansoz B., Caron P., Kawagishi K., Ormastroni L.M.B., Villechaise P., Cormier J., Pettinari-Sturmel F.
Tensile Behavior of TMS-238 Ni-Based Single-Crystal Superalloy at 650℃
Minerals, Metals and Materials Series.(2024)484-491
Furuya Y.
Gigacycle Fatigue of Metallic Materials Evaluated by Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing
Yosetsu Gakkai Shi/Journal of the Japan Welding Society.93[6](2024)391-394
Yamasaki M., Matsumoto T., Mayama T., Somekawa H., Hagihara K., Nishimoto S., Kawamura Y.
Dynamic recovery around deformation kink boundary of Mg-Y-Zn alloy with long-period stacking ordered structure
Materials Letters.377(2024)137360
Saito T., Harada H., Yokokawa T., Osawa M., Kawagishi K., Suzuki S.
Effect of the Interfacial Strain Anisotropy on the Raft Structure of Ni-Base Single Crystal Superalloys and Novel Alloy Design Approach by Controlling the Lattice Misfit and the Elastic Misfit
Minerals, Metals and Materials Series.(2024)156-165
Tabata C., Osada T., Ohmura T., Yokokawa T., Kawagishi K., Suzuki S.
Interfacial Strength Evaluation Between Sulfur-Segregated Al2O3 and Ni–Al Single Crystal Alloy Using Nanoindentation
Minerals, Metals and Materials Series.(2024)598-605
Okada K., Shibata A., Kimura Y., Yamaguchi M., Ebihara K.-I., Tsuji N.
Effect of carbon segregation at prior austenite grain boundary on hydrogen-related crack propagation behavior in 3Mn-0.2C martensitic steels
Acta Materialia.280(2024)120288
Singh D., Yoshinaka F., Takamori S., Emura S., Sawaguchi T.
Breaking the strength-ductility trade-off in austenitic stainless steel at cryogenic temperatures: Mechanistic insights
Journal of Materials Research and Technology.33(2024)600-611
Kawagishi K., Tabata C., Yokokawa T., Takata Y., Yuyama M., Horie T., Maezawa H., Suzuki S., Harada H.
Effects of Trace Impurities in Ni-Base Single Crystal Superalloys on High-Temperature Properties and Disablement of Impurities by CaO for Recycle of Superalloys
Minerals, Metals and Materials Series.(2024)555-560
Kusano M., Watanabe M.
Controlling heat accumulation through changing time per layer in laser powder bed fusion of nickel-based superalloy
Journal of Manufacturing Processes.131(2024)187-198
Okada K., Shibata A., Matsumiya H., Tsuji N.
Origin of Serrated Markings on the Hydrogen Related Quasi-cleavage Fracture in Low-carbon Steel with Ferrite Microstructure
Tetsu-To-Hagane/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan.110[11](2024)890-898
Gutierrez-Urrutia I., Ogawa Y., Shibata A.
Hydrogen-enhanced microbanding in an austenitic FeMnAlC low-density steel: Effect on hydrogen embrittlement resistance
Acta Materialia.280(2024)120335
Osada T., Osawa M., Mori Y., Ikeda A., Harada H., Kohata T., Kawagishi K.
Development of Novel Ni–Co Base P/M Disk Superalloy by Redesigning Based on Turbine Blade Alloy TM-47
Minerals, Metals and Materials Series.(2024)147-155
Hatakeyama T., Sawada K., Kusano M., Watanabe M.
Significant creep-strength improvement in modified 9Cr-1Mo steel via microstructural control through laser powder bed fusion
Additive Manufacturing.93(2024)104445
Tammpere H., McKeown P., Miller J., Fang C., Curtis E., Gaiser-Porter M., Burley M., Campbell J., Artiles M., Tang Y., Utada S., Reed R., Clyne T.
Profilometry-Based Indentation Plastometry at High Temperature
Advanced Engineering Materials.(2024)
Chen T.-W., Wu B.-C., Kang Y.-C., Murakami H., Toda Y., Yeh A.-C.
Effect of Grain Boundary Serrations on Creep Deformation of Udimet-720Li Superalloy
Minerals, Metals and Materials Series.(2024)297-305
Ishii A., Koyama T., Abe T., Ode M.
Multi-phase-field modeling of sintering applicable to solid-state and liquid-phase sintering in multiphase and multicomponent systems
Materials Today Communications.40(2024)110116
Manabe N., Suzuki A.S., Ninagawa M., Wakabayashi H., Hirayama N., Niinobe K., Tang Y.T., Utada S., McCartney D.G., Reed R.C., Kitagawa H.
Ultralow-Temperature Sintering of Titanium Powder by Spark Plasma Sintering Under Cyclic Pressure
Advanced Engineering Materials.(2024)
Morimoto T., Katoh H., Ishida Y., Hara E., Kusano M., Naito K., Watanabe M., Takagi K., Arai K., Hasegawa K.
Modified double cantilever beam test method for mode-I energy release rate of elastic adhesive layers
Engineering Fracture Mechanics.307(2024)110320
Hiromoto S., Nozoe E., Hanada K., Yoshimura T., Shima K., Nakamura N., Chiba A.
Comparative Degradation Behavior of Carbonate Apatite-Coated and Hydroxyapatite-Coated Mg-Ca Alloy Plates and Screws in Rabbit Femurs
Biomedical Materials and Devices.(2024)
Xia J., Du X., Xiao Y., Zhang L., Wu R.T., Matsushita Y.
Mechanisms of La2Ce2O7/YSZ Double-Ceramic-Layer Thermal Barrier Coatings against Volcanic Ash Corrosion
Tamura R., Morito H., Deffrennes G., Naito M., Nose Y., Abe T., Terayama K.
AIPHAD, an active learning web application for visual understanding of phase diagrams
Communications Materials.5[1](2024)139
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Nanoscale Analyses of the Deformation and Mechanical Response near Grain boundary in Metals and Alloys
Zairyo/Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan.73[8](2024)634-639
Daram P., Morisada Y., Ogura T., Kusano M., Yu J., Fukuda M., Fujii H., Kuroda S., Watanabe M.
Development of Tungsten Repair Technology by Atmospheric Plasma Spraying of Tungsten and Friction Stir Processing
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology.(2024)
Park M.-H., Yako S., Takeda Y., Shibata A., Tsuji N.
Making stress visible: A method to quantify local stress distribution in metals using digital image correlation method
Scripta Materialia.252(2024)116265
Guo S., Okuma G., Naito K., Kakisawa H.
Mechanical behaviours of reactive hot-pressed B4C-based composites with ZrB2-ZrC
Journal of the European Ceramic Society.44[15](2024)116734
Ueji R., Sasaki D., Maeda R., Matsuayama A., Tsuzaki K., Shibata A.
Sample Size Effect on the Impact Absorbed Energy in Carbon Steel With Different Microstructures
3rd International Symposium on the Recent Developments in Plate Steels, Proceedings.(2024)452-460
Okuma G., Wakai F.
3D Analysis for High Reliable Electronic Devices Design by Using Synchrotron X-ray CT
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Hayashi T., Miyagawa R., Yagi Y., Tanaka K., Ota R., Yamasaki N.Y., Mitsuda K., Maehata K., Hara T.
Design and Development of a 224-pixel TES X-Ray Microcalorimeter System for Microanalysis with STEM
Journal of Low Temperature Physics.(2024)
Tanaka Y., Hirakawa N., Tsuzaki K., Shibata A., Matsunaga H.
Advancements in fracture toughness testing of ultra-high-strength steel sheets: Unraveling the crack-closure effect and unanticipated thickness independence
Engineering Fracture Mechanics.307(2024)110322
Ogawa Y., Fujita T.
Solid solution-hardening by hydrogen in Fe–Cr–Ni-based austenitic steel studied by strain rate sensitivity measurement: Contributions of effective stress and solute drag
Materials Science and Engineering: A.911(2024)146941
Edalati K., Ahmed A.Q., Akrami S., Ameyama K., Aptukov V., Asfandiyarov R.N., Ashida M., Astanin V., Bachmaier A., Beloshenko V., Bobruk E.V., Bryła K., Cabrera J.M., Carvalho A.P., Chinh N.Q., Choi I.-C., Chulist R., Cubero-Sesin J.M., Davdian G., Demirtas M., Divinski S., Durst K., Dvorak J., Edalati P., Emura S., Enikeev N.A., Faraji G., Figueiredo R.B., Floriano R., Fouladvind M., Fruchart D., Fuji M., Fujiwara H., Gajdics M., Gheorghe D., Gondek L., González-Hernández J.E., Gornakova A., Grosdidier T., Gubicza J., Gunderov D., He L., Higuera O.F., Hirosawa S., Hohenwarter A., Horita Z., Horky J., Huang Y., Huot J., Ikoma Y., Ishihara T., Ivanisenko Y., Jang J.-I., Jorge A.M., Kawabata-Ota M., Kawasaki M., Khelfa T., Kobayashi J., Kommel L., Korneva A., Kral P., Kudriashova N., Kuramoto S., Langdon T.G., Lee D.-H., Levitas V.I., Li C., Li H.-W., Li Y., Li Z., Lin H.-J., Liss K.-D., Liu Y., Cardona D.M.M., Matsuda K., Mazilkin A., Mine Y., Miyamoto H., Moon S.-C., Müller T., Muñoz J.A., Murashkin M.Y., Naeem M., Novelli M., Olasz D., Pippan R., Popov V.V., Popova E.N., Purcek G., de Rango P., Renk O., Retraint D., Révész Á., Roche V., Rodriguez-Calvillo P., Romero-Resendiz L., Sauvage X., Sawaguchi T., Sena H., Shahmir H., Shi X., Sklenicka V., Skrotzki W., Skryabina N., Staab F., Straumal B., Sun Z., Szczerba M., Takizawa Y., Tang Y., Valiev R.Z., Vozniak A., Voznyak A., Wang B., Wang J.T., Wilde G., Zhang F., Zhang M., Zhang P., Zhou J., Zhu X., Zhu Y.T.
Severe plastic deformation for producing superfunctional ultrafine-grained and heterostructured materials: An interdisciplinary review
Journal of Alloys and Compounds.1002(2024)174667
Venkataramanan N.S., Suvitha A., Sahara R.
Unveiling the Intermolecular Interactions between Drug 5-Fluorouracil and Watson-Crick/Hoogsteen Base Pairs: A Computational Analysis†
ACS Omega.9[23](2024)24831-24844
Ogawa Y., Tanaka M., Fujita T., Shibata A.
Thermally activated dislocation motion in hydrogen-alloyed Fe–Cr–Ni austenitic steel revisited via Haasen plot
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.74(2024)170-182
Manjanath A., Sahara R., Ohno K., Kawazoe Y.
Non-adiabatic excited-state time-dependent GW molecular dynamics (TDGW) satisfying extended Koopmans’ theorem: An accurate description of methane photolysis
Journal of Chemical Physics.160[18](2024)
Alcaide D., Alric B., Cacheux J., Nakano S., Doi K., Shinohara M., Kondo M., Bancaud A., Matsunaga Y.T.
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Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.724(2024)
Murase Y., Katayama H.
Invasion/Permeation Hydrogen in Cathodic Charged SUS316 Columnar Crystals Evaluated with a Scanning Kelvin Probe Force Microscope
Materials Transactions.65[7](2024)780-789
Nagira T., Kitano H., Kimura T., Yoshinaka F., Takamori S., Sawaguchi T., Yamashita T., Aoki Y., Fujii H., Takeuchi A., Uesugi M.
In-situ observation of solidification behaviors of Fe-Mn-Cr-Ni-Si alloy during TIG melt-run welding using synchrotron radiation X-ray
Materials Characterization.214(2024)
Kamei S., Hirayama T., Somekawa H., Matsuoka T.
Improved wear and friction properties by self-formed SiC layers in Mg/SiC composites
Ceramics International.(2024)
Hwang S., Kato H., Okada K., Park M.-H., Lavakumar A., Gholizadeh R., Adachi H., Sato M., Tsuji N.
Exploring unusual Lüders deformation in ultrafine-grained high-Mn austenitic steel
Materials Research Letters.12[8](2024)571-579
Iwamoto S., Kondo S., Katsui H., Shimoda K., Yu H., Ogino Y., Kasada R.
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Oguma H., Naito K.
Effects of mean stress on the fatigue properties of core-in-sheath-type carbon/glass hybrid thermoplastic composite rods: Experimental investigation and practical predictive method
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures.(2024)
Yoshinaka F., Nagashima N., Sawaguchi T.
Effect of Strain Rate on the Extremely Low-Cycle Fatigue of Fe-15Mn-10Cr-8Ni-4Si Bidirectional-TRIP Steel
Materials Transactions.65[7](2024)773-779
Wang C.-Y., Matsunaga S., Toda Y., Murakami H., Yeh A.-C., Yamabe-Mitarai Y.
Effect of Alloying Elements on the High-Temperature Yielding Behavior of Multicomponent γ′-L12 Alloys
Morino T., Ode M., Hirosawa S.
Direct CALPHAD coupling phase-field model: Closed-form expression for interface composition satisfying equal diffusion potential condition
Physical Review E.109[6](2024)
Saengdeejing A., Sahara R., Toda Y.
Al–Ni–Ti thermodynamic database from first-principles calculations
Calphad: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry.84(2024)
Tsuchida N., Kuramoto S., Ueji R., Gong W., Harjo S., Hiroi K., Kawamura Y.
Change in Mechanical Properties of High-Strength Martensitic Steel by the Combination of Pre-strain and Deformation Temperature
ISIJ International.64[2](2024)354-360
Yamabe J., Kato S., Morishita K., Wada K.
Comparison of hydrogen diffusion properties and hydrogen-induced ductility loss of additively and conventionally
Engineering Failure Analysis.162(2024)108437
Daram P., Singh A., Hiroto T., Kitashima T., Watanabe M.
Compositionally graded titanium to aluminum processed by laser powder bed fusion process: Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties
Materials Science and Engineering: A.903(2024)146638
Somekawa H., Tsuru T., Naito K., Singh A.
Control of twin boundary mobility by solute segregation in Mg binary alloys
Scripta Materialia.249(2024)116173
Kim S.-H., Osada T., Lee K.-S., Oh Y.-S., Nagashima N., Jang B.-K.
Corrosion behavior of calcium-magnesium-alumino-silicate on (La,Gd)2Zr2O7/YSZ multilayer for thermal barrier coatings
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan.132[5](2024)205-213
Ueji R., Gong W., Harjo S., Kawasaki T., Shibata A., Kimura Y., Inoue T., Tsuchida N.
Deformation-induced Martensitic Transformation at Tensile and Compressive Deformations of Bainitic Steels with Different Carbon Contents
ISIJ International.64[2](2024)459-465
Yamabe J., Yoshimoto R., Wada K., Yano T., Fujiyama K., Iijima T., Enoki H.
Determination of hydrogen compatibility for Cu-Al-Ni-Fe-Mn cast alloys prepared by varying Al and Ni contents
Journal of Alloys and Compounds.997(2024)174766
Morikawa T., Shibata A., Nakamura N., Tanaka M., Higashida K.
Determination of Microscopic Strain Distribution in the Martensitic Transformation of Fe-31Ni Alloy Plates Using the Micro-grid Marker Method
ISIJ International.64[2](2024)212-217
Shibata A., Katsuno T., Tsuboi M., Tsuji N.
Effect of Bain Unit Size on Low-temperature Fracture Toughness in Medium-carbon Martensitic and Bainitic Steels
ISIJ International.64[2](2024)381-388
Sato K., Mitsuhara M., Nagata K., Kubushiro K., Nomura K., Kimura T., Shioda Y., Sawada K., Kimura K., Nakashima H.
Effect of impurity elements on the creep rupture strength of Gr. 91 steel welded joints at 650 °C
Materials Science and Engineering: A.903(2024)146669
Hayama C., Kadowaki M., Murase Y., Katayama H., Hara T., Hara Y., Watanabe H., Shitanda I., Itagaki M.
Effect of P Addition on the Corrosion Resistance of Steels Before and After Rust Formation; [鉄鋼材料のさび形成前後の耐食性に及ぼす P 添加の影響]
Tetsu-To-Hagane/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan.110[7](2024)548-557
Yoshinaka F., Tsutsumi Y., Nagira T., Takamori S., Emura S., Sawaguchi T., Katayama H., Nakamura T., Inoue Y., Motomura S., Kushibe A.
Effects of the Cr and Ni Concentrations on the Fatigue and Corrosion Resistances of Fe–Mn–Cr–Ni–Si Alloys for Seismic Damping Applications
ISIJ International.64[7](2024)1197-1205
Kitashima T., Hiroto T., Jodi D.E., Watanabe M.
Fabricating a single-crystal-like β grain structure of a near-β Ti alloy with unique variant selection by laser powder bed fusion
Materials and Design.243(2024)113039
Chen T., Ogawa Y., Koyama M.
Growth path and morphology of hydrogen-related cracks in grain-refined tempered martensitic steel produced by cyclic thermal treatment
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.(2024)
Kim J.H., Miyamoto G., Shibata A., Hojo T., Koyama M., Zhang Y., Furuhara T.
Influence of austenite grain boundary misorientation on hydrogen-induced intergranular crack propagation in a medium carbon martensitic steel
Acta Materialia.274(2024)120036
Shibata A., Gutierrez-Urrutia I., Nakamura A., Moronaga T., Okada K., Madi Y., Besson J., Hara T.
Local crack arrestability and deformation microstructure evolution of hydrogen-related fracture in martensitic steel
Corrosion Science.233(2024)112092
Inoue T., Oka S.-I., Hiroto T.
Mechanical Properties, Tissue Structure, and Elemental Composition of the Walking Leg Tips of Coconut Crabs
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.12[4](2024)639
Hwang S., Park M.-H., Bai Y., Lavakumar A., Shibata A., Adachi H., Sato M., Tsuji N.
Mechanism of DSA effect correlating to the macroscopic PLC banding in high-Mn austenitic steel
Scripta Materialia.249(2024)116183
Kakinuma H., Hiromoto S., Hojo T., Ajito S., Koyama M., Akiyama E.
Mechanism of local hydrogen entry into Fe sheets induced by atmospheric corrosion: Significance of potential, pH, and rust layer thickness
Corrosion Science.232(2024)112043
Ode M., Esaka H., Ishida A., Takamori S., Murakami H.
Observation and Numerical Prediction of Concentration Distribution at Cast Coating Interface of Solid Pt, Ir, Re Using Liquid Ni-Based Alloys
Materials Transactions.65[5](2024)541-551
Katagiri J., Nomoto S., Kusano M., Watanabe M.
Particle Size Effect on Powder Packing Properties and Molten Pool Dimensions in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Simulation
Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing.8[2](2024)71
Cacheux J., Nakajima T., Alcaide D., Sano T., Doi K., Bancaud A., Matsunaga Y.T.
Protocol for fabricating and characterizing microvessel-on-a-chip for human umbilical vein endothelial cells
STAR Protocols.5[2](2024)102950
Shibata A., Madi Y., Besson J., Nakamura A., Moronaga T., Okada K., Gutierrez-Urrutia I., Hara T.
Relationship between Three-dimensional Crack Morphology and Macroscopic Mechanical Properties of Hydrogen-related Fracture in Martensitic Steel
ISIJ International.64[4](2024)660-667
Itakura A.N., Kusawake T., Fujimaru T., Miyai S., Matsumoto Y., Murase Y.
Sample Holder for Time Dependence Silver-decoration under Optical Microscope Observation
e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology.22[2](2024)174-178
Patel D., Matsumoto A., Kumakura H., Hara Y., Hara T., Maeda M., Liang H., Yamauchi Y., Choi S., Kim J.H., Hossain M.S.A.
Superconducting joints using reacted multifilament MgB2 wires: A technology toward cryogen-free MRI magnets
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys.12[1](2024)159-170
Pomes S., Adachi N., Wakeda M., Ohmura T.
Temperature Dependence of Nanoindentation-Induced Deformation Dynamics in Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glass
Materials Transactions.65[5](2024)481-486
Ohnuma I., Han K., Lee I., Yamashita T., Kainuma R.
Thermodynamic Evaluation of the Fe-Zn Binary System with Reference to the Latest Experimental Phase Diagram
Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion.(2024)
Pomes S., Adachi N., Wakeda M., Ohmura T.
Comparative analysis of nanoindentation-induced incipient deformation of zirconium-based bulk metallic glass in various structural states
Okuma G., Usukawa R., Osada T., Kondo N., Nakajima H., Okazaki T., Machida S., Arai Y., Inoue R., Kakisawa H., Shimoda K., Takeuchi A., Uesugi M., Wakai F.
Evolution of microstructure and defects in sintering of tape-cast alumina laminates observed by synchrotron X-ray multiscale tomography
Ceramics International.(2024)
Kitashima T., Hiroto T., Watanabe M.
Numerical analysis of Al2O3 and TiO2 growth and oxygen dissolution in a metal substrate during the isothermal oxidation of an α-Ti alloy at 973 K
Journal of Materials Research and Technology.30(2024)4137-4146
Matsunaga H., Yamabe J., Takakuwa O., Ogawa Y., Matsuoka S.
Hydrogen Gas Embrittlement: Mechanisms, Mechanics, and Design
Hydrogen Gas Embrittlement: Mechanisms, Mechanics, and Design.(2024)1-399
Ioroi K., Ohnuma I., Xu X., Kainuma R., Omori T.
Thermodynamic assessment of the Cr–Si binary system
Calphad: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry.85(2024)102690
Qiu H., Ueji R., Inoue T.
Suppression of Inhomogeneous Plastic Deformation in Medium-Carbon Tempered Martensite Steel
Nagashima N., Hayakawa M., Masuda H., Nagai K.
Estimating the S-N Curve by Machine Learning Random Forest Method
Materials Transactions.65[4](2024)428-433
Akada T., Ueji R., Mitsuhara M., Yamasaki S., Tanaka M.
Plastic anisotropy in yield stress of drawn pearlitic steels
Materials Science and Engineering: A.898(2024)146380
Hatakeyama T., Sawada K.
Precipitation behavior of the M23C6 phase on the coherent twin boundary of 25Cr-20Ni-Nb-N steel
Materials Letters.363(2024)136277
Somekawa H., Ueji R., Singh A.
Mechanical response in tension of twin-induced Mg alloys in wide strain rate regimes
Materials Science and Engineering: A.897(2024)146319
Okugawa M., Saito K., Yoshima H., Sawaizumi K., Nomoto S., Watanabe M., Nakano T., Koizumi Y.
Solute segregation in a rapidly solidified Hastelloy-X Ni-based superalloy during laser powder bed fusion investigated by phase-field and computational thermal-fluid dynamics simulations
Additive Manufacturing.84(2024)104079
Mercer C., Hosoda N.
Analysis of Structure and Function of Ladybird Leg and Subsequent Design and Fabrication of a Simplified Leg Structure for Robotic Applications
Banno N., Moronaga T., Hara T., Asai K., Yagai T.
In-depth S/TEM observation of Ti-Hf and Ta-Hf-doped Nb3Sn layers
Superconductor Science and Technology.37[3](2024)35019
Fushimi K., Higa K., Fujimura A., Shoji S., Kitagawa Y., Hasegawa Y., Katayama H.
Passive Film Formed on Si-Mn Steel in Boric Acid-Borate Buffer at 6.5
Journal of the Electrochemical Society.171[2](2024)21502
Koyama M., Yamashita T., Morooka S., Sawaguchi T., Yang Z., Hojo T., Kawasaki T., Harjo S.
Microstructure and Plasticity Evolution During Lüders Deformation in an Fe-5Mn-0.1C Medium-Mn Steel [Fe-5Mn-0.1C中Mn鋼におけるリューダース変形中の微視組織および塑性の発達]
Tetsu-To-Hagane/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan.110[3](2024)197-204
Oka Y., Morimatsu A., Masumura T., Ohmura T., Tsuchiyama T.
Dependence of Carbon and Nitrogen Content on Grain Refinement Strengthening in Austenitic Stainless Steel [オーステナイト系ステンレス鋼における結晶粒微細化強化の炭素および窒素濃度依存性]
Tetsu-To-Hagane/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan.110[3](2024)302-310
Honda H., Watanabe M.
Quantifying Laser Absorptivity of Ti–6Al–4V Powder through Additive Manufacturing Systems
Materials Transactions.65[2](2024)194-198
Hwang S., Bai Y., Gao S., Park M.-H., Shibata A., Tsuji N.
Mechanism of simultaneous increase of strength and ductility with grain refinement in Si-added high-Mn austenitic steel
Materials Science and Engineering: A.894(2024)146193
Kura C., Wakeda M., Hayashi K., Ohmura T.
Atomistic study on effects of solute atoms on energy profile of edge dislocation mobility in FCC-Cu alloys
Materials Today Communications.38(2024)108242
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Quantitative Characterization by Transmission Electron Microscopy and Its Application to Interfacial Phenomena in Crystalline Materials
Kusano M., Takata Y., Yumoto A., Watanabe M.
Effects of time per layer and part geometry on thermal history and microcracking in the fabrication of nickel superalloy samples by laser powder bed fusion
Additive Manufacturing.80(2024)103987
Moreau L.E., Banoth S., Ishida A., Murakami H.
Effect of Re Addition on Microstructure and Oxidation Resistance of Co-Cr-Ta-Ti-C Alloys
Guo S., Okuma G., Naito K., Kakisawa H.
Mechanical behaviours of hot-pressed rare-earth oxide (RE = Y and La)-doped TaB2-SiC composites
Journal of the European Ceramic Society.44[3](2024)1445-1457
Ito C., Maeda T., Higashi R., Osada T., Kohata T., Ozaki S.
Application of extreme value statistics to internal pore distribution in ceramics and prediction of size dependency of strength scatter
Journal of the European Ceramic Society.44[5](2024)3381-3392
Ji X., Chong Y., Emura S., Tsuchiya K.
Heterogeneous distribution of isothermal ω precipitates prevents brittle fracture in aged β-Ti alloys
Scripta Materialia.241(2024)115879
Ji X., Emura S., Tsuchiya K.
A unique {332}<113> twin to α″ martensite transition during twin propagation in a Ti-12wt.% Mo alloy with micro-segregation
Scripta Materialia.244(2024)116024
Kawasaki S., Naito K., Ishida O., Shirai T., Uzawa K.
Infrared-thermography measurement of temperature distribution in carbon fiber–reinforced polypropylene during ultrasonic welding
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing.177(2024)107887
Maeda T., Osada T., Ozaki S.
Novel numerical approach for reliability-assurance of ceramics by combining self-crack-healing with proof testing
Journal of the European Ceramic Society.44[4](2024)2261-2270
Miyauchi N., Yakabe T., Murase Y., Kitajima M., Takagi S., Itakura A.N.
Apparatus design of operando hydrogen microscope for visualization of time-dependent distribution of hydrogen
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films.42[1](2024)13201
Nakamura T., Sakai T., Shimamura Y., Oguma H.
Guest editorial of virtual special issue: The eighth international conference on very high cycle fatigue (VHCF8), held online from July 5 to 9, 2021, and distributed from Sapporo, Japan
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures.47[2](2024)257-260
Natarajan Sathiyamoorthy V., Suvitha A., Abdul Rahim S., Sahara R.
Intermolecular hydrogen bond interactions in water clusters of zwitterionic glycine: DFT, MESP, AIM, RDG, and molecular dynamics analysis
Journal of Molecular Liquids.396(2024)123932
Ogawa Y.
Temperature-sensitive ductilization in hydrogen-alloyed Fe-Cr-Ni austenitic steel by enhanced deformation twinning
Scripta Materialia.238(2024)115760
Palleda T.N., Chowdhury H.T., Banoth S., Murakami H., Kakehi K.
Effects of yttrium content on solidification, microstructure, and mechanical properties of laser powder bed fused IN718 superalloy
Journal of Alloys and Compounds.978(2024)173404
Sato Y., Shinzato S., Ohmura T., Hatano T., Yanagimoto J., Ogata S.
Molecular Dynamics Simulation on the Initiation of Plastic Deformation by Nanoindentation
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering.(2024)469-479
Zhang C., Ai M., Wu M., Rong J., Naito K., Yu X., Zhang Q.
Effect of curcumin-modified nanodiamonds on properties of eco-friendly polylactic acid composite films
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects.680(2024)132652
Midorikawa K., Hiromoto S., Yamamoto T.
Carbonate content control in carbonate apatite coatings of biodegradable magnesium
Ceramics International.50[4](2024)6784-6792
Lan X., Okada K., Gutierrrez-Urrutia I., Shibata A.
Quantitative analysis of local plasticity accompanying hydrogen-related fracture in low-carbon martensitic steel
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.50(2024)333-341
Maezawa H., Tabata C., Takata Y., Uzuhashi J., Ohkubo T., Yokokawa T., Harada H., Kawagishi K., Suzuki S.
Improvement of Oxidation Resistance for Ni-Base Single Crystal Superalloy TMS-238 by Suppression of Sb Segregation at Oxide/Substrate Interface Using CaO
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science.55[1](2024)183-194
Ogawa Y., Kuriyama K., Koyama M.
Dual grain size-effects on hydrogen-assisted fatigue crack growth in 1 GPa-class medium-carbon martensitic steel
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.50(2024)108-115
Okuma G., Wakai F.
Synchrotron X-ray multiscale tomography: Visualization of heterogeneous microstructures and defects in ceramics
Journal of the American Ceramic Society.107[3](2024)1706-1724
Hirai Y., Wrona-Piotrowicz A., Zakrzewski J., Ciechańska M., Ohmura T., Takeda T., Nakanishi T., Métivier R., Allain C.
Mechanofluorochromism and self-recovery of alkylsilylpyrene-1-carboxamides
Journal of Materials Chemistry C.(2024)
Kusano M., Watanabe M.
Heat Source Model Development for Thermal Analysis of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Using Bayesian Optimization and Machine Learning
Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation.(2024)
Nishikawa H., Furuya Y., Kitano H., Kanegae Y., Aota K., Kuwabara K.
Distinctive fatigue properties of additively-formed CoCrFeNiTiMo multi-principal element alloy: Excellent fatigue crack growth resistance against ordinally high cycle fatigue strength
Materials Science and Engineering: A.891(2024)145938
Somekawa H., Tsuru T., Singh A.
Grain boundary plasticity in Mg binary alloys by segregation of p-block element
Materials Science and Engineering: A.893(2024)146066
Somekawa H., Nakagawa E., Hara Y., Moronaga T., Ogawa Y., Singh A., Ohmura T.
In-situ TEM observation of -axis extension twin nucleation in single crystalline Mg
Materials Science and Engineering: A.890(2024)145895
Tanks J., Tamura K., Naito K., Nge T.T., Yamada T.
Durable and recyclable biomimetic glycol lignin/polyolefin compounds for a circular economy
Journal of Materials Chemistry A.12[5](2024)3014-3025
Tobata Y., Naito K., Tanks J.
Mode 1–Governed fracture energy and maximum normal traction of a CFRP rod
Journal of Composite Materials.58[3](2024)317-326
Wakeda M., Saida J.
Unusual energy–structure–property relation in a metallic glass coupled with temperature-dependent relaxation memories
Singh A., Somekawa H., Hiroto T., Ode M., Tesař K., Čech J., Hara T.
Dispersion of stable quasicrystal phase by precipitation during extrusion in a Mg–Zn–Al alloy: Microstructure and mechanical properties
Materials Science and Engineering: A.891(2024)145979
Gutierrez-Urrutia I., Shibata A.
Effect of deformation temperature on strain localization phenomena in an austenitic Fe-30Mn-6.5Al-0.3C low-density steel
Acta Materialia.264(2024)119566
Singh D., Singh A., Sawaguchi T.
Elucidating deformation pathways and interface characteristic of self-accommodated dual γ/ε phase microstructure in Fe–Mn–Si–Al alloy
Materials Characterization.207(2024)113521
Chandiran E., Ogawa Y., Ueji R., Singh A., Somekawa H., Ohmura T.
Activation of non <a> type dislocation in near <0001>-oriented Mg by Sc addition
Materials Science and Engineering: A.890(2024)145927
Li Z.H., Sasaki T.T., Ueji R., Kimura Y., Shibata A., Ohkubo T., Hono K.
Role of deformation on the hydrogen trapping in the pearlitic steel
Scripta Materialia.241(2024)115859
Moriyama J., Takakuwa O., Yamaguchi M., Ogawa Y., Tsuzaki K.
The contribution of Cr and Ni to hydrogen absorption energy in Fe-Cr-Ni austenitic systems: A first-principles study
Computational Materials Science.232(2024)112650
Shimoda K., Colin C.
Evaluation of heat resistance of SiC-based ceramic fibers via in situ elastic modulus and electrical conductivity measurement at elevated temperatures
Journal of the European Ceramic Society.44[2](2024)802-814